TNPSC One Time Registration Process: On this page, candidates can check how to register on TNPSC. For applying for any job in TNPSC required to register their One Time Profile. We are requesting to follow this post, you will get the exact idea of how to register One Time profile on TNPSC.
TNPSC One Time Registration Process
Do you know TNPSC One Time registration is valid for 5 years?. Here you must have to fill some mandatory fields like your DOB, educational qualification, etc. No worries, we will help you to how to fill the details.
First things first
- Click on TNPSC one time registration dashboard. Link is given below:
Click here TNPSC One Time Profile Dashboard - Then, click on the New User link.
- First, you need to create a Login ID. Which is unique, no one should not use it before. Enter the Alphanumeric with minimum 5 to maximum 15 words user id. Eg: Rajani123
- Yes, you can use your name with some numbers. Then check the availability.
- Fantastic, you entered a valid user id/name.
- Next step you need to enter a memorable password.
One uppercase
One Lowercase
One Digit
One Special Character
The length of your password should be 5 to 15 words.
Did you enter a valid password? Check the column colour, is it in green?
In the next line, you must enter your valid email id. In the personal details section, you have to enter your details like Name of the applicant, Father’s name, etc.
Don’t forget to give your mobile number.
Don’t forget to give your mobile number and you must verify via SMS.
In the next section, you must fill the details like S.S.L.C and Address. Did you fill it? All columns are in green? Then click on the continue button.
Next section one of the most important section of you should upload your photo and signature in jpg/jpeg format.
Measurement and other details regarding photo and sign uploading details given below that section.
Completed it?
Yes, you have completed Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission One Time Profile Registration.
Have any doubts relating registration please comment below the details.
Also check – Kerala PSC One Time Registration Process