Exam Strategies for College Students

The exam is the process that grabs the attention of everybody whether he/she is a student of school, college or university. Almost everyone gets worried before facing the exam seat. The students that have complete preparation seem less worried and the students that are not done with the preparation looks really stressed about it. This is the time of sleepless nights, tired and unease days, as well as disturbed health. Students take much tension about their appearance in exams rather than their performance in exams. In general, this should not happen. Here is the list of tips that would be really helpful for the students, as these are designed in the results of opinions given by expert professors, past students and from those who deals with this field.

Study effectively by reading upside down

If you want to remember the things, must read the notes or slides from upside till down with loud voice. This will make you memorize your voice and the words with your voice. It is relatively a time taking process but is really effective when one makes it as a habit. Many of the good learners do this, as it lists the importance of each and every topic that you are learning.

Laugh now so that you don’t cry later

It is proved that laughing releases the tension and it saves you from taking tension and being emotional as some people try to hide their tension and it invites many problems to be a part of their life. The stress of getting a good grade in the exams is needed here you must think about your future. But there is nothing bad in smiling; smile, laugh and try to find out the possible and positive ways of getting out from this difficulty. Make yourself happy and the doors of possibilities would open to you.

Use all of your senses while studying

Try to make each and every sense a part of your study, the more senses you will connect in the study time would make you study long. This means make writing a part of this process, write down all the key points as an outline for the different topics of the course. See them and search for the difficulties that would cause your time. Make a list of difficult once on a side and easiest one on another side. Do the things that seem easy to you and try to sort out the difficulties that you find in the remaining part. Read them, as this will state the problem to you.  Make sure you are doing proper justification.

Take advantage of whiteboards

Make a whiteboard for yourself and teach the topic as your professor teaches you. List all the techniques and formulas that are required on that subject, for instance, if you are studying mathematics, physics, chemistry or any other subject list the key formulas that are mostly used in the course and try to find out all the possible usage of that formulas. If you are preparing for English then list all the key facts of grammar rules and the names of the authors discussed in the class lessons. It is better to take help from the notes for being your own teacher.

Drink water and eat fruit

Take care of your health, as health is wealth. Drink plenty of water instead of energy drinks and you can use tea and coffee as well as they maintains the stamina of a person so this will lead you to study till a long time. If you fell tired, take a cup of coffee or tea again for refreshing yourself. Eat as many fruits as you can, it is better to eat apples and blue berries; these fruits are famous for improving the memorization due to the presence of toxins in them. Toxins in bloodstream improve the memorization power.

Partner up with someone in your class

It is always better to have a study partner that agrees with the same study policies for identifying all the hidden points of the topics. The best study partner of yours would be your classmate; he/she has to prepare for the same exams through the same notes. Things that one cannot understand another will. Try to choose the one who has clear concepts of learning.

Wear a watch

Make use of watch; if you don’t use to wear it in normal days then wear it before exam days until the end of exams. Checking the time on mobile will change the concern of your attention. These are the tips that are useful for all the students to prepare their exams. Take advantage of the one that suits your case.

Author Bio:

William Morris is an expert and professional Blogger in the United Kingdom. He is a Sub-Editor at Best Assignment Writing Services UK and enjoys spending time on blogging and article. For more detail here at FB, Twitter

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