Kerala PSC Study Material 3: Arithmetic & Mental Ability Questions

Kerala PSC Study Materials: Arithmetic & Mental Ability Questions

Arithmetic & Mental Ability Question and Answer

  1. USPL : KMPT : :LJGC : ? – BDGK
  2. PSXM : QRYL : :BFTV : ? – CEUU
  3. YEAR : ZFBS : :QUEEN : ? – RVFFQ
  5. ATTCK : AUVDGP : : FIRE : ? – FJTH
  7. NOP : UVW : : PON : ? – WVU
  8. SADL : XFIH : : LIOE : ? – QNTA
  9. EGI : JLO :  :LIOE : ? – VWZ
  10. WDYB : UFWD: :SHUF : ? – QJSH
  11. X and Y together caught 60 frogs. If a caught 4 times a many as Y, how many did Y catch – 12
  12. 1:8:9:64:25 : __ ? – 216
  13. Raju was born on February 29 in the year 1960. How many birthdays would he have celebrated up to 29-2-1976 – 4
  14. How many meaningful words can be made with the letters ORUY by using each letter once?  One
  15. If RAT is MAT and MAT is HAT, then What is HAT – CAT
  16. The average age of family of 6 members is so. The age of the youngest member in the family is five. What was the average age of the family at the time of birth of the youngest member – 30
  17. A book has 60 pages printed on both sides of the paper. Arun noticed that the pages from 10 to 25 are eaten by termite. How many pages of the book are remained – 42
  18. A tube has 10 meter length, 10 meter width and 5 meter height. What is the length of the longest tube which can be adjusted with in the tub? 15m
  19. When students are arranged in a line on the basis of height, Raju’s position was 15th.  If he is 20th from the last, How many students are there in his class? 34
  20. Day before yesterday was ‘Onam’. My result will be published on day after tomorrow. My uncle is planning a party to congratulate me on my success,5 days after Onam. If today is Monday, on which day the party will be arranged – Friday
  21. If ‘D’ is related to ‘G’ then ‘N’ is related to – Q
  22. There are 20 students in a class with an average height of 10 cm. Then 5 students with an average height of 120 cm join the class. The average height of the students in the class now – 107.5 cm
  23. Raman started from a point P towards south and traveled 5 km, then he turned right and traveled 2 km, then he turned right and traveled 5 km: then he turned left and traveled 5 km. How far was he from the point P – 17 KM
  24. Pointing to a boy in a photograph, Raju says: “He is the son of my mother’s only son”. How is Raju related to that boy? – Father (Only son of Raju’s mother means Raju himself. Therefore, the boy is the son Raju, Then Raju is the father of that boy)


  • Natural Numbers: Counting numbers are called Natural numbers. Natural numbers are denoted by the letter ‘N’ – N = 1, 2, 3, 4 ………….
  • Whole Numbers: All counting numbers with ‘Zero’ form the set of whole numbers. It is denoted by the letter ‘W’ – W = 0, 1, 2, 3, ……………..
  • Integers: All counting numbers, Zero and the negative of counting numbers from the set of Integers. It is denoted by the letter ‘I’ – I = -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ……..
  • Even Numbers: All counting numbers, which are divisible by ‘2’ is called even numbers – Eg: – 2, 4, 6, 8, …………..
  • Odd Numbers: All counting numbers, which are not divisible by ‘2’ is called odd numbers – eg:- 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, …………..
  • Prime Numbers: A counting number, it is exactly two factors, namely 1 and itself is called Prime numbers – Eg:- 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 28, ………
  • Composite Numbers: The natural numbers which are not, prime are called composite numbers – Eg:- 4, 6, 8, 12, etc,
  • Rational Numbers: The numbers of the form a/b; a and b are integers and b ≠ 0 are known as rational numbers – Eg:- 8/7 , -114/720 , -2/3 , etc
  • Irrational Numbers: The numbers, which cannot be expressed in the form of a/b and b ≠ 0 is called irrational numbers – Eg:- √3, √5, √7, etc
  • Real Numbers: The set of all rational and irrational numbers forms Real Numbers, which is denoted by ‘R’

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