Kerala PSC Study Material: General Science Questions

Scientific names of vitamins

VitaminsScientific Names
Vitamin B1Thiamine
Vitamin B2Riboflavin
Vitamin B3Niacin
Vitamin B6Pyridoxine
Vitamin B12Cyanocobalamin
Vitamin CAscorbic Acid
Vitamin ARetinol
Vitamin DCalciferol
Vitamin ETocopherol
Vitamin KPhylloquinone

The Respiratory System

  1. At rest, we breathe 15 to 20 times a minute and exchange nearly 17 fluid ounces (about 500 milliliters) of air with each complete breath in and out.
  2. Approximately 5 fluid ounces (about 150 milliliters) of the air we breathe in with each breath fills the passageways of the trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles.
  3. We breathe over 5,000 times a day, taking in enough air throughout a lifetime to fill 10 million balloons.
  4. The average set of human lungs has approximately 600 million alveoli (300 million per lung), creating a respiratory surface about the size of a singles tennis court or a square about 27 to 28 feet long on each side.
  5. At birth, an infant’s lung is estimated to have approximately 20 to 30 million alveoli and 1,500 miles of airway passages.
  6. The right lung is slightly larger than the left.
  7. The capillaries in the lungs would extend 1,600 meters, or about one mile, if placed end to end.

Units for Measuring

  1. Distance – Metre, Kilometre
  2. Distance (Travelled by sips) – nautical mile
  3. Distance (very long) – light -year (equal to the distance travelled by the light in one year; eg: 300,000km/sec.)
  4. Electric current – Ampere
  5. Electric energy – KWH (Kilo Watt Hour – This is the unit of energy being measured in hour homes.)
  6. Heat – Calorie
  7. Loudness – Decibel
  8. Resistance – Ohm
  9. Temperature – Celsius
  10. Voltage – Volt


  1. Father of cloning : Dr. Ian Wilmut.
  2. First Cloned animal : Sheep (Roslin Research Institute, Scotland 1996)
  3. First cloned animal in India – Samrupa
  4. Samrupa is a Buffalo cloned at National Diary Research Institute in Haryana
  5. Second cloned animal in India – Garima (June 7, 2009)
  6.  World’s first cloned pashmina Goat – Noori
  7. Female calf of cloned Buffalo Garima – Mahima (2003)

First Clones

  1. Sheep – Dolly
  2. Cat – Carbon Copy
  3. Buffalo – Samrupa
  4. Dog – Snuppy
  5. Monkey – Tetra
  6. Horse – Prometea
  7. Mule – Idaho Gem
  8. Rat – Masha
  9. Camel – Injaz
  10. Cow – Victoria

Planets of Solar System

Planets of our solar system classified in to two

  • (I) Inner Planets – The inner planets are planets in the inner part of the solar system that closest to the Sun. The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
  • (II) Outer Planets – Which are in order of their distance from sun. The Outer Planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

There are 9 known planets in the solar system.

  • Mercury is the planet nearest to the Sun. It is the second smallest planet.
  • Mercury is the fastest planet, it takes only 88 days to revolve around the Sun.
  • Mercury is surrounded by an extremely small amount of helium, hydrogen, oxygen and sodium.
  • The United States ‘Mariner 10’, is the first and only spacecraft to reach Mercury.
  • Mercury has no satellites.
  • Mercury is covered by a thin layer of minerals called silicates.


  • The Venus is named after the Roman Goddess of Love.
  • The planet nearest to Earth is Venus, the second brightest object in the night sky (next to the moon).
  • Venus is called the twin planet of earth, because the two planets are almost similar in size.
  • It is also called Mourning Star and the Evening Star.
  • Venus is the hottest planet (462°C).
  • Magellan space probe aims to study Venus.


  • April 22 : Earth Day.
  • Earth is the largest of the inner planets. It is the densest planet.
  • Earth is the 5th largest planet in terms of size.
  • Earth is also called “blue planet“, because it appears blue when seen from space.This is because of the presence of water (oceans) on earth.
  • Moon is earth’s natural satellite. The moon is about one-fourth the size of earth.
  • The star nearest to the earth is the Sun.
  • The shape of the earth is oblate spheroid.
  • The highest temperature 58°C at Al Aziziyah (Libya), the lowest temperature -89.6°C at Vostok Station in Antarctica.


  • Mars is known as the red planet.
  • Mars has two satellites – Phobos and Deimos.
  • Period of rotation : 24 hours and 37 minutes, 687 days.


  • Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It is 11 times bigger than earth.
  • Jupiter rotate faster than any other planets. It takes only 9 hours 55 minutes to spin around once on its axis.
  • Jupiter is known as ‘Jovian Planet’.


  • Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system.
  • Saturn is the outermost planet visible to the naked key.
  • Saturn has 33 satellites. Titan is the biggest satellite.


  • Uranus, the third largest planet in the solar system was discovered in 1781 by William Herschel.
  • Uranus has 18 known satellites.
  • Seen from earth, the direction of rotation of Uranus changes, at times turning clockwise and at others rotating from top to bottom.


  • Johann Galle discovered Neptune in 1846.
  • Neptune has 8 satellites.
  • Triton is the satellite of Neptune.


  • Pluto is named after the Roman God of Underworld.
  • Pluto is the smallest planet in the solar system. Its diameter is 3000 km.
  • Pluto is the coldest planet (-223°C).
  • Pluto is the slowest planet in rotation.
  • Pluto, the 9th and farthest planet, was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930.
  • Pluto is also called double planet.

Branches of Geography

The word geography derives from the Greek words. ‘Geo’ meaning the earth and ‘graphein’ meaning write. Geography is the science that deals with the description of earth’s surface.

  1. Cartography : It deals with the production and study of maps and charts.
  2. Climatology : The study of climatic features such as temperature, precipitation and humidity.
  3. Demography : It may be described as population geography. It examines the structure of human populations and their dynamic aspects.
  4. Human Geography : A branch of geography which deals with the changing distribution and spatial organisation of variety of human characteristics.
  5. Chorology : The study of geographical areas, plants and animal distribution.
  6. Lithology : It is the branch of geography which deals with the characteristics of rocks.
  7. Geomorphology : The study of landforms, their distribution and origin and the forces that change them.
  8. Hydrology : It is the study of water on earth, oceans, rivers, glaciers etc.
  9. Oceanography : The branch of geography which studies the ocean currents, waves and tides.
  10. Geology : It is the study of chemical composition of earth’s crust.
  11. Potamology : It is the branch of geography which deals with study of rivers.
  12. Pedology : It is the science of nature, properties, formation, distribution and function of soils and their response to use, management and manipulation.
  13. Paleontology :  The study of fossils is called Paleontology. Fossils are the organic remains of animals which are preserved in rocks.
  14. Astrology :  The study of structures and formation of rocks and minerals in other plants.
  15. Mineralogy : The branch of geography which deals with the study of minerals including their distribution, identification and properties.
  16. Orology : It deals with  the study of mountains.
  17. Petrology : It deals with the study of origin, composition and structure of rocks.
  18. Seismology : It is the branch of geography which deals with the study of earthquakes and related phenomena.

Branches of Biology and Medical Science

There are many branches of Biology,each focused on different aspects of research. Biology is split in to three main branches; Zoology  (animals), Botany (plants) and Microbiology (organisms). More information on each branches and sub-branches are listed below:-

  1. Ethology – Ethology is the study of animal behaviour.
  2. Entomology – Entomology is the study of insects.
  3. Ethnology – Ethnology is the study of human race.
  4. Exobiology – Deals with the study of of life in outer space.
  5. Cryobiology – Cryobiology is the science that deals with the study of organisms, especially warm blooded animals, at low temperature.
  6. Palaeobotany – The study of fossil plants is called Palaeobotany.
  7. Gerontology – Science of old age is called Gerontology.
  8. Agrostology – The study of grasses.
  9. Phycology – The study of algae, while
  10. Paleontology – The study of fossils.
  11. Biotechnology – Use of living organisms or substances obtained from them in industrial process is known as biotechnology.
  12. Eugenics – Deals with heredity improvements of the human race by controlled selective breeding.
  13. Haematology – Studies blood and its disorders.
  14. Hepatology – Studies the liver and its disorders.
  15. Nephrology – Studies kidney diseases.
  16. Cryosurgery – Is a surgical technique of destroying tissues by extreme cold conditions.
  17. Cardilogy – The study of heart.
  18. Neurology – The study of nervous system, its functions and disorders.
  19. Neuropathology – The study of diseases of the nervous system.
  20. Osteology – The study of bones, Phrenology is the study of skull and the brain.
  21. Cryotherapy – Is the use of cold, but not freezing cold, as a form of treatment.
  22. Ichthyology – Study of fishes.
  23. Myrmecology – Study of Ants.
  24. Ornithology – Study of birds.


  • The study of the lungs and respiratory tract is called Pulmonology or Pneumology.
  • World Tuberculosis Day – March 24
  • Membrane surrounding each lung – Pleura
  • Left lung is slightly smaller than the right lung
  • Alveoli are the functional units of lungs
  • Air enters through nose, and passes through Pharynx, Larynx, and Trachea
  •  In lungs gas exchange occurs in – Alveoli
  • Lung volume can be measured using – Spirometer
  • Vital Capacity : The volume of air exchanged during a deep breathing. It ranges between 3-4 litres
  • Tidal Volume : Volume of air that is inhaled or exhaled in a single shallow breathing. Average tidal volume is 500 ml.
  • Average human respiratory rate – 16 – 20 breaths/min
  • Average respiratory rate in new born baby – 44 breaths/min
  • Medical terms related to the lung often begin with pulmo
  • Organ without muscle – Lungs
  • Diseases effected to lungs – Pneumonia, Bronchitis, SARS, Silicosis, Tuberculosis
  • Pneumonia can be caused by bacteria, virus, fungi, or parasites
  • Respiratory diseases commonly found in coal miners – Pneumoconiosis


  • The liver is the largest gland in the body.
  • The liver is on the right side of the stomach.
  • Sleeping on left side is useful, because it gives maximum relaxation to the muscles of the right side and keeps the liver warm and relaxed and improves bile secretion.
  • Glucose is stored in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen.
  • Liver is dark brown in colour.
  • The main function of the liver is to produce bile which is an important agent in digestion.
  • Bile is stored in the gall bladder.
  • The colour of bile is gree.
  • The pigment which gives colour to bile is Bilirubin.
  • The disease which affects the liver is jaundice.
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks causes damage to the liver.
  • Liver is the largest metabolic organ in human body.


  • The word Galaxy is derived from the Greek word ‘galaxias’ literally means ‘Milky Circle
  • Sirius is known as ‘Dog Star
  • Betelgeuse is the brightest star in our Galaxy
  • The word ‘galaxy’ was first introduced in William Herschel
  • Sir Edwin Hubble was the first person to calculate the distance between the Galaxies.
  • It is estimated that there are about 50 billion galaxies exist in the universe. This may not include ‘dark matter’ which may make up as much as 73% of the universe
  • Galaxies are huge regions of space that contains hundreds of billion of stars, planets, glowing nebulae, gas, dust and empty space held together by gravity.

Types of Galaxies

  • Milky way or Akash Ganga is our home galaxy
  • There are 3 types of galaxies mainly; They are Elliptical, Galaxies, Spiral Galaxies and Irregular Galaxies
  • Elliptical galaxies consist mostly of very old or dying stars
  • The milky way and Andromeda are examples of spiral galaxies
  • Irregular galaxies consist mostly of young stars
  • Large Magellanic cloud is an irregular stars
  • Group of galaxies is known as cluster
  • The milky way belongs  to a cluster of 24 galaxies called local group

Quantum Theory

  • Quantum Theory was put forwarded by Max Planck
  • According to the Quantum Theory quantum of light is known as Photon
  • Quantum theory states that the light rays consist of small energy packets called Quantum
  • Phenomenon of emission of light from substances after the absorption of photons is called – Photoluminescence

Jarvik 7

  • The first artificial heart is Jarvik – 7
  • Jarvik – 7 was developed by Robert K. Jarvik
  • The first artificial heart to be successfully implemented in human – Jarvik 7 (1982)
  • Jarvik – 7 was implemented in patient named – Barney Clark
  • First fully implantable artificial heart ‘Carmat‘ which may give patients up to 5 years of extra life was developed by French biomedical firm CARMAT
  • Carmat was transplanted at Georges Pampidou Hospital (Paris) in December 2013 by a team lead by Alian F. Carpentier


  • Virus was discovered by – Dmitri Ivanovski
  • Virus is nucleoprotein
  • HIV is an RNA Virus
  • Protein coating of virus is known as – Capsid
  • It can be replicate only inside the living cell of an organisation


  • Largest sense organ – Skin
  • Largest organ in human body – Skin
  • Pigment that gives colour to skin – Melanin
  • Melanin protects skin from ultraviolet rays
  • Two glands in the skin – Sebaceous glands and Seat glands
  • Sebaceous glands secret an oily substance called Sebum
  • Outer layer of the skin – Epidermis
  • The thick inner layer of the skin – Dermis
  • Melanin is present in epidermis
  • Deficiency of Melanin causes – Albinism
  • Diseases affected to the skin – Eczema, Melanoma, Psoriasis, Albinism.


  • Rubber is a polymer
  • The process of heating natural rubber with sulfur is known as – Vulcanization
  • Element used for the vulcanization of rubber – Sulfur
  • Vulcanization helps to improve hardness, elasticity.
  • Fundamental constituent of natural Rubber – Isoprene
  • First Synthetic Rubber – Neoprene
  • Rubber which can resist ozone – SBR
  • Tyres filled with air are called – Pneumatic
  • Rubber is soluble in benzene
  • Chemical Formula of Benzene – C6H6
  • Structure of benzene was discovered by – August Kekule
  • Rubber used to make hoses – Thiokole

Human Body Systems

  • (a) Skeletal System
  • (b) Muscular System
  • (c) Nervous System
  • (d) Respiratory System
  • (e) Cardiovascular System
  • (f) Lymphatic System
  • (g) Endocrine System
  • (h) Digestive System
  • (i)Urinary System
  • (j) Integumentary System
  • (k) Male Reproductive System
  • (l) Female Reproductive System
  1. A vitamin is an organic compound and a vital nutrient that an organism needs in limited quantities.
  2. In 1912, Sir HG Hopkins first identified vitamins in milk.
  3. It was Casimir Funk who named Vitamins.
  4. Vitamins are of two types- Water Soluble Vitamins and Fat Soluble Vitamins.
  5. Vitamin B Complex and Vitamin C are Water Soluble Vitamins.
  6. Vitamin A, D, E and K are Fat Soluble Vitamins.
  7. Around 55% of the blood is constituted by blood plasma and the remaining constitutes the blood cells.
  8. Albumin, Globulin and Fibrinogen are the major plasma proteins.
  9. Fibrinogen is plasma protein needed for the clotting of blood.
  10. Red Blood Cells (RBC- Erythrocytes), White Blood Cells (WBC- Leucocytes) and Platelets are the three types of blood cells.
  11. Red Blood Cells (RBC) are the most abundant of all the cells in blood.
  12. In mammals, RBC does not carry the nucleus.
  13. RBCs contain an oxygen carrying pigment called Hemoglobin.
  14. WBC has nucleus and of five types- Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils, Lymphocytes and Monocytes.
  15. Platelets are associated with the clotting of blood.
  16. Karl Landsteiner first distinguished different blood groups.
  17. A, B, AB and O are the four types of blood groups.
  18. O group is termed as “the universal donor”.
  19. AB group is termed as “the universal recipient”.
  20. Cloning is related to :- Biotechnology
  21. Vermi composting is used for? Bio degradable waste management.
  22. Which of the following is the space expedition to Mars? – Phoenix
  23. Solid carbon dioxide is known as – Dry Ice
  24. Urea is produced in the human body in:- Liver
  25. Rocket fuel is:- Liquid Oxygen
  26. Ammonia is a:- Refrigerant.
  27. Light year is a unit of:- Distance
  28. The largest single organ of the human body is: Integumentary System
  29. The fear of bees is: Apiphobia
  30. Misattribution of a person’s undesired thoughts,feelings or impulses on another person who does not have those thoughts,feelings or impulses is: Projection
  31. Which type of mirror is used in rear view mirrors of vehicles? – Convex Mirror
  32. The mass of a body is 8KG on earth. What is its mass in moon? – 8KG
  33. Soap is used for washing clothes, why? – It reduces the surface tension of Water so that water easily gets in to the holes in clothes.
  34. The chemical name of baking soda is:  Sodium bicarbonate
  35. We cannot lift up a chair while sitting on it. The reason for this is: Internal force acts against gravitational force.
  36. Cutting is easy with the sharp end of knife. It is due to: – The force acting on the sharp edge is more because the surface area is less.
  37. The shortage of which vitamins caused degeneration of sex glands – Vitamin B
  38. B.C.G vaccine is given for – Tuberculosis
  39. Bacteria were first observed by – Leeuwenhoek
  40. Which planet is most similar to Earth  in respect to gravity, escape velocity and size – Venus
  41. Sterling Silver is an alloy of Silver and – Copper
  42. The Green House effect is caused by an excess of – Carbon Dioxide
  43. Radioactivity cannot be detected by a – Synchrotrotron
  44. After vaccination the body builds up – Antibodies
  45. The sex of the child is determined – At the time of fertilization of the ovum
  46. Scurvy is a deficiency disease caused by lack of – Vitamin C
  47. What condition does lunar eclipse take place? – The earth comes between the sun and the moon
  48. The name given to the instrument sent to Mars, in 1997, for investigations , by moving around is? – Sojourner
  49. Why is it the colour of earth is red at certain places? – It contains oxides of iron.
  50. The percentage of carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere? – 0.03%
  51. The Scientist who arranged elements according to their increasing atomic weight is? – Mendeleev
  52. The name given to a substance formed by the chemical combination of two or more metals is ? – Alloy
  53. Paralysis is caused by disorders connected with? – Brain
  54. The flood item that provides energy for growth is? – Carbohydrates
  55. The scientist who gave scientific law of heredity for the first time was? – Mendel
  56. What is the physical basis of inheritance of characters in animals? – Genes
  57. Which is a disease caused by disorder of the respiratory system? – Pneumonia
  58. A non – living component of a living cell is? -Vacuole
  59. The structure of DNA was discovered by? – Watson and Crick
  60. Which is a disease spread by bouse files? – Cholera
  61. Which disease is not prevented by the triples vaccine? – Polio
  62. The fungus that produces alcohol is ? – Yeast
  63. Out of which part of a plant does its seeds originated? – Ovary
  64. Which disease is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin D? – Rickets
  65. The central most space of tooth contains?  – Pulp
  66. The gas produced by partial combustion of fuel is? – Carbon Monoxide
  67. The name given to pollination by the agency of water is? – Anatomy
  68. Normally hen’s eggs hatch in? – 21 Days
  69. The secretion of the liver is? – Bile
  70. The organ that regulates body temperature in human beings is? – Skin
  71. What is the Chemical name of Heavy Water? – Deuterium Oxide
  72. The yellow colour of urine is due to presence of ? – Cholesterol
  73. The heart beat of a normal young man is approximately? – 72 times at a minute
  74. Dialectical materialism was a doctrine introduced by? – Karl Marx
  75. The term Third World refers to? – Developing Countries
  76. Which scientist believed plants have hearts? – J.C Bose
  77. Who among was the first man to go in to space? – Yuri Gagarin
  78. The oldest religion in the world is? – Hinduism
  79. Kanishka tragedy involved? – Aeroplane
  80. The French Revolution took place in? – 1789
  81. Diego Garcia is an Island in? – Indian Ocean
  82. The fear of bees is – Apiphobia
  83. Podiatrist is a doctor who treats – feet
  84. The chemical name of baking soda is – Sodium Nitrate
  85. Solid carbon dioxide is known as – Dry ice
  86. Bright’s disease affects Kidney.
  87. Plaque, Pyorrhea and Gingivitis are the diseases of teeth.
  88. Hepatitis and Jaundice affect Liver.
  89. Japanese Encephalitis affects brain.
  90. Small Pox is no longer found in the world.
  91. Limbs are affected by polio.
  92. The spleen is affected by malaria.
  93. Meningitis affects the spinal cord and the brain.
  94. Typhoid affects the intestine, while the lungs are affected by tuberculosis and pneumonia.
  95. Trachoma affects eyes.
  96. He development of an egg without being fertilized by a sperm is known as : Parthenogenesis
  97. Deficiency of Iron, causes: Anemia
  98. Universal blood donors have blood type : O
  99. The study of fossils is known as:Paleontology
  100. Largest and Longest bone in a man – Femur
  101. Smallest Muscle – Stapedius
  102. Smallest bone – Stapes
  103. Total amount of blood in body – 5.6 liters (1/15 of body weight)
  104. Life span of RBC – 120 days
  105. Number of RBC’s – in male 50,00,000/; in female 45,00,000/
  106. Life span of WBC : 2-5 days
  107. Heart beats – 72 per minute
  108. Average amount of hemoglobin – 14-15 mg/100 ml of blood.
  109. Thinnest skin – Conjunctiva (eyelid)
  110. Largest endocrine gland – Thyroid gland
  111. Longest cell in body – Nerve cell
  112. Smallest cell in human body – Sperm cell
  113. Largest cell in human body – Ovum
  114. Hydroponics is a method of cultivating plants with out using soil, but by using nutrient solution
  115. Tissue culture is the method of producing plants from minute plant fragments.
  116. Seed dormancy is due to abscisic acid.
  117. Litmus is obtained from a lichen
  118. Cloves are dried flower buds of plant “Syzygium aromaticum”.
  119. The plant hormone that controls fruit ripening is Ethylene
  120. Nitrogen fixation means conversion of atmospheric nitrogen in to useful compounds.
  121. Hybridisation is the process in which offspring’s are formed  from across pollination between more or less distinctly related parents. The parental individuals may belong different varieties, races or species.
  122. Phototropism : Means movements of plants towards light.
  123. Geotropism : Means movements of plants towards gravity.
  124. Haptotropism : The movement of an organ induced by contact with a foreign body is called Hyptotropism.
  125. Seismonastic movements are in response to touch or shock stimulus.
  126. Xanthophyll : gives yellow colour to leaves, flowers and fruits.
  127. Chlorophyll : Is the green pigment contained in the leaves of plants, It enables plants to produce food with the help of sunlight, Contains the metal magnesium.
  128. Carrot is an example for tap root modification.
  129. Corm is an underground stem modification.
  130. Bacteria which can fix atmospheric nitrogen are Nitrosomonas and Azetobacter.
  131. The diffusion of water through a semipermeable membrane is called Osmosis.
  132. The swollen tip of pedicel is called Thalamus.
  133. Hypertonicity could cause shrinkage of cells.
  134. Annona is an   example of aggregate fruit.
  135. Microscopes are instruments used to get enlarged (magnified) images of objects which cannot be seen with the help of our naked eye.
  136. Light microscope uses light as the source of illumination.
  137. Electron Microscope uses electrons as the source of illumination.
  138. Earthworm (Megascolex) is considered as the ‘friends of farmers’ or nature’s ploughman.
  139. What is the main part of the tooth? – Dentine
  140. What is the loss of memory known as? – Amnesia
  141. The weave motion of small intestine? – Peristalsis
  142. Which fly is responsible for spreading sleeping sickness? – Tse – Tse Fly
  143. The Science dealing with the diseases of children is called? – Pediatrics
  144. What is the major component of bones? – Calcium Phosphate
  145. Night blindness is a disease caused by the deficiency of ………? – Vitamin A
  146. The gas used by plants to prepare food? – Carbon Dioxide
  147. The first vitamin prepared in the laboratory? – Vitamin C
  148. What is the chemical name of Vitamin B1? – Thiamine
  149. What is measure of activity of an acid? – PH
  150. The bee that dies soon after stinging someone? – Honey Bee
  151. The average weight of an adult human brain is between 2.8 and 3.1 pounds (1,300 and 1,400 grams).
  152. The average weight of an elephant’s brain is 17.2 pounds (7,800 grams).
  153. The average number of neurons in the brain is 100 billion.
  154. The length of myelinated nerve fibers in the brain is between 93,200 and 112,000 miles (150,000 and 180,000 kilometers).
  155. The difference in the number of neurons in the brain’s left and right hemispheres: 186 million more neurons in the left hemisphere in comparison to the right hemisphere.
  156. Total surface area of the human brain’s cerebral cortex: 2.5 square feet (2,500 square centimeters).
  157. Total surface area of an elephant’s cerebral cortex: 6.8 square feet (6,300 square centimeters).
  158. Total number of neurons in the cerebral cortex: 10 billion.
  159. What is the SI unit of time? – Second
  160. Which was the fuel used in the first atomic bomb? – Uranium 235
  161. Which is the electrolyte used for Nickel paint? – Nickel Ammonium Sulphite
  162. Where is the biggest solar plant in the world? – California (America)
  163. Which is the medium in which refraction of lights is the maximum? – Diamond
  164. What is the name of the cells that change sun  – Photo Voltaic Cells
  165. Who invented bifocal lens? – Benjamin Franklin
  166. Name the electron that has positive charge. – Anode
  167. Which scientists discovered radio activity? – Henry Beckeral
  168. Name the Dutch scientists who discovered the super conductivity of the metals. – Hike Kamarling Nice
  169. What is the branch of science that studies clock and time called? – Horology
  170. Which German scientists is the author of the book “The philosophy of Physics”?  – Marx Plank
  171. Name the scientist who is known as the father of Electricity? – Michael Faraday
  172. What is the mineral that is also known as Fools Hold? – Iron Sulphide
  173. What is the percentage of Carbon Dioxide in the Air? – 0.03%
  174. To which species of mammals does man belong – Homosapiens
  175. Which blood group is considered as universal donor? – O group
  176. What are the four blood groups? – O, A, B, AB
  177. What causes Pneumonia? – Bacteria
  178. Which disease is affects in Pancreas? – Diabetes
  179. Which drug is obtained from the ‘Cinchona’ tree? – Quinine
  180. Which disease is caused by the bite of a mad dog? – Hydrophobia
  181. Which disease is known as the silent killer? – Blood Pressure
  182. Which Vitamin is essential for the formation of red blood cell? – Folid Acid
  183. Which Vitamin is stored in the Liver? – Vitamin A
  184. The Purest form of iron is – Wrought Iron
  185. The study of minute living organisms is known as – Microbiology
  186. Which element is common in all acids? – Hydrogen
  187. The outer covering of human bone is called – Periostium
  188. The brightest star in the solar system – Sirius
  189. Who is regarded as the father of botony? – Theophrastus
  190. The process of formation of red blood cell is called – Haemopoiesis
  191. The positively charged particle of an atom? – Proton
  192. A human heart has how many chambers? – Four
  193. Number of Chromosomes in human body? – 46
  194. Absence of Iodine in human body causes – Goitre
  195. What is the scientific name of soda water? – Carbonic acid
  196. Pharmacology is the study of – Drugs
  197. Name of the Chemical responsible for the smell of flowers – Esters
  198. Who discovered Fluorescence? – Sir George Stokes
  199. First known super conductor – Mercury
  200. Metal with lowest melting point – Mercury
  201. Metal Known as Quick Silver – Mercury
  202. Anomalous Metal – Mercury
  203. Unit of measuring the quantity of mercury – Flask (1 flask = 34.5 kg)
  204. Study of Poison – Toxicology
  205. King of Poison – Arsenic
  206. The most poisonous substance – Arsenic
  207. The substance which is used as rat poison – Zinc Phosphide
  208. The compounds used as Rodenticide  – Zinc Phosphide, Arsenic Sulphide
  209. TTK Chitra valve is a low cost Cardiac valve developed by Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute, Thiruvananthapuram
  210. First heart valve manufactured in India – TTK Chitra Prosthetic Heart Valve (CHV)
  211. Bombay Blood Group is also known as h/h blood group or oh group
  212. Bombay blood group was first discovered in Mumbai by Dr. Y.M. Bhende (in 1952)
  213. Three forms of vitamin A : Vitamin A1 (Retinol), Vitamin A2 (Dehydroretinol), Vitamin A3 (Hydroxy Retinol)
  214. The deficiency of vitamin A2 causes Xerophthalmia.
  215. Vitamin A2 is largely present in fresh water fishes
  216. HBsAg test is a diagnosis test for hepatitis B.
  217. HBsAg stands for Hepatitis B Surface Antigen.
  218. Sharbati Sonora is a hybrid variety of Wheat
  219. Avinash – 2 is a hybrid variety of Tomato
  220. Deficient of Vitamin B1 causes Beriberi
  221. Dry Beriberi affects Nervous System
  222. Wet Beriberi affects Cardiovascular System
  223. Working principle of Atom Bomb – Nuclear Fission
  224. Working principle of Hydrogen Bomb – Nuclear Fusion
  225. Nuclear Fission was discovered by – Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann
  226. Father of Atom Bomb – J. Robert Oppenheimer
  227. Father of Hydrogen Bomb – Edward Teller
  228. Father of Indian Atomic Bomb – Dr. Raja Ramanna
  229. Father of Modern Physics – Albert Einstein
  230. Lightning conductor was invented by – Benjamin Franklin
  231. Bifocal lens was invented by – Benjamin Franklin
  232. Electromagnetic wave theory was proposed by – James Clerk Maxwell
  233. Scientist who suggested that human eye has 3 kinds of colour receptors – Thomas Young
  234. Astronomical Telescope was invented by : Galileo
  235. Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica is a famous book written by – Isaac Newton
  236. The term radioactivity was coined by – Madam Curie
  237. Natural Radioactivity was discovered by – Antoine Henri Becquerel in 1896
  238. Artificial Radioactivity was discovered by – Irene Joliot Curie and Frederic Joliot Curie
  239. The word “Tsunami” stand for – Giant Water Wave
  240. The lightest element is – Hydrogen
  241. Which salt is blue in colour? – Copper Sulphate
  242. The Celsius scale is used to measure? – Temperature
  243. Ammonia is a – Refrigerant
  244. Rocket Fuel is – Liquid Oxygen
  245. Which gas is used in the preparation of Soda water? – Carbon Dioxide
  246. Light year is a unit of – Distance
  247. Hibernation is – Winter Sleep
  248. Trachoma is a disease of the – Eye
  249. What is the name of the biggest part of the human brain? – The cerebrum
  250. The bones that make up your spine are called? – Vertebrae
  251. The outside layer of skin on the human body is called the – Epidermis
  252. The two holes in your nose are called? – Nostrils
  253. The coccyx bone is better known as – Tailbone
  254. Which vitamin helps in clotting of blood? – Vitamin K
  255. Food is normally digested in the – Small Intestines
  256. Who proposed the mutation theory of evolution? – Hugo de Vries
  257. Who is called Father of Immunology? – Edward Jenner
  258. The scientific name of the Honeybee is – Apis mellifera
  259. The free living soil bacteria which fixes nitrogen is called – Azotobacter
  260. The scientist who is known as father of modern biology is – Aristotle
  261. The density of milk is measured by? – Lactometer
  262. What are the three parts of the spine called? – Cervical, thoracic and lumbar
  263. What is the name of the major artery at the side of the neck? – Carotid
  264. What is the scientific name for the tube connecting the mouth with the stomach? – Oesophagus.
  265. Which organ makes urine? – Kidney
  266. Which artery supplies the kidney with blood – Renal artery.
  267. Which organ destroys old red blood cells? – Spleen.
  268. The lungs, nose, and trachea are part of which organ system? – The lungs, nose, and trachea are part of the respiratory system
  269. What’s the biggest organ in human body? – Skin – Skin is the largest organ in the human body
  270. The largest internal organ is – liver
  271. What is melanin? – A pigment that determines your skin color
  272. Who has more bones, adults or children? – children
  273. Bones are part of………..system? – Skeletal Systems
  274. Where is the humerus located? – In the upper arm
  275. How many percentage of the human body is water? – 66%.
  276. What is the name of the disease in man arising out of Vitamin B deficiency? – Beriberi
  277. What is the best test to detect breast cancer in its earliest form? – Mammogram
  278. Which factors increase your risk for osteoporosis? – Inactive lifestyle
  279. What is the study of human anatomy called? – Anthropotomy
  280. What is the appendix attached to? – Cecum
  281. The hindbrain is also known as the – Rhombencephalon
  282. What do we call a muscle that extends a limb? – Extensor

Types of Phobias

  • Fear of Insects – Entomophobia
  • Fear of Water – Hydrophobia
  • Fear of contamination – Mysophobia
  • Fear of Men – Androphobia
  • Fear of Flowers – Anthophobia
  • Fear of Dogs – Cynophobia
  • Fear of being alone – Monophobia
  • Fear of Germs – Bacteriophobia
  • Fear of Pain – Algophobia
  • Fear of Bees – Apiphobia
  • Fear of Light – Photophobia
  • Fear of Darkness – Nyctophobia / Achluophobia
  • Fear of Sunlight – Heliophobia
  • Fear of Loud Sound – Phonophobia
  • Fear of Sound – Acousticophobia
  • Fear of Chickens – Alektorophobia
  • Fear of depth – Bathophobia
  • Fear of Cats – Ailurophobia

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