How to Prepare for a Subsequent Job Interview

Have you been told that you will be called for another interview later? If yes, then you must feel lucky because it’s a good sign. Not every person gets the opportunity to make it to the second interview. Only those who show signs of professionalism and passion get this opportunity.

The problem is that in these tough times of recession and economic breakdown where job availability has become very scarce, most firms are going towards downsizing instead of hiring more people. If you are one of those lucky ones to be called up for a second interview, you must grab this opportunity with both hands. Don’t get over-confident and blow your interview away. Be prepared as if you are going for an interview for the first time because there is still a possibility of rejection.

Following are some solid guidelines for job seekers that should help them achieve success and secure the job in their second interview.

(1) Knowledge about the Company

Even though it will be your second interview, try to learn as much as you can about the company if you haven’t already done so. With so much information available through online social networking sites such as LinkedIn, this is usually pretty easy to do. This practice will help you understand their mission, goals and future plans, and thus you will be in a better position to present yourself as an ideal candidate.

(2) Review Your Previous Performance

Reviewing your performance from your first interview can definitely help you nail your second interview and secure the job. Note down any questions or situations that caused you difficulty or embarrassment and plan how you will handle these aspects in your upcoming interview. Come up with new information, ideas, accomplishments, examples and let the employer know how keen you are in offering your services to the company.

(3) Check Your Appearance

Going for a second interview doesn’t denote a more casual interview. Hence, don’t even think about wearing casual clothes. Take this interview more seriously than the previous one and dress up as professionally as you can. Make sure your clothes are clean and pressed. Pay attention to your body language as well. Yes, there should be a certain sense of comfort during your second interview but that doesn’t mean the interviewer has become your friend and you can go and talk to him frankly. So, dress appropriately and present yourself professionally.

(4) Don’t Show Up Late

If you think that you have been called for the second interview because you have been hired already, then you are mistaken. But, there is certainly a possibility that you may get the job. So, don’t destroy your chances by arriving late on the day of interview. In fact, get there at least 15 minutes earlier. Since you have gone there before, you already know how the traffic will be. So, plan your commute wisely. If you show up late before you are hired, the company will think that it’s your habit and they will get rid of you immediately. So, don’t make this mistake.

(5) Negotiate Your Terms

At times job seekers are caught off guard when the interviewer raises the subject of salary and benefits. Be prepared to negotiate. After all, your ultimate goal is to earn money.

(6) Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Get a good night’s sleep before the day of your interview because you don’t want to end up looking tired and lazy during your interview. Maintain your energy, confidence and enthusiasm because they will take you through the winning line.


Following these guidelines properly in your subsequent interview will definitely assist you in securing a job, provided you are confident and willing.

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