Kerala PSC Questions 12: General Knowledge Questions and Answers

1. The term Fourth Estate refers to :

Answer: Press

2. The last French Settlement in India was at :

Answer: Mahe

3. The Capital of Sikkim :

Answer: Gangtok

4. Panini is associated with :

Answer: Grammar

5. The mineral present in thyroxine is :

Answer: Iodine

6. Normally hen’s eggs hatch in :

Answer: 21 days

7. Paralysis is caused by disorders connected with :

Answer: Brain

9. With which crop is the name Jaya associated?

Answer: Rice

10. Taoism is associated with…………..?

Answer: Lao Tse

11. ‘Man is born free and every where he is in chains’. Who said this?

Answer: Rousseau

12. The Chinese traveller, Huen Tsang visited India at the time of ………….?

Answer: Harsha Vardhana

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