There is a bunch of things each job seeker should definitely know. Let’s break some popular misconceptions associated with job search and find out the truth. Here are 18 myths about job market you should read before you proceed to your employment process. Don’t let these commonly believed stereotypes hinder your success.
1. Getting a degree is a high way to top-paying job
Most graduates make a good career, but if you hold a degree there is no guarantee you are qualified enough to get a top-paying job. You should work hard and if you possess all required skills, experience and knowledge there is always a chance that you will be the lucky one who will get an invitation for the interview.
2. No experience = no work
If you lack professional experience, there is still a way to launch a career. The great start will be to apply for an unpaid internship or try some volunteer activities. It allows acquiring new experience, abilities and broadening horizons. In a resume highlight your educational background, achievements at university and focus attention on your skills and abilities. You can also start with entry level job. The requirements are not strict, so you have all chances to be hired.
3. You should follow “the more the better” rule in resume writing
Your resume should give only important and relevant information about your past work experience and education. Don’t waste your time writing an exhaustive list of all responsibilities. Save your time and energy. No one will thoroughly review each job description. Channel your time on creating a good resume that shows your contribution to companies and demonstrates your professional promise. Your main goal is to attract employers and to convince them to interview you. Find some free resume examples to make a perfect one.
4. Creative resume will land you a job
In order to stand out from the crowd, you can create a graphic design resume or an infographic resume. It should be clean and readable, but this unconventional kind of resume may not lead you to success. This offbeat approach can capture employers’ attention but still, they want to find in your resume some relevant skills and experience in the first place.
5. Cover letter is such an old school
It is a big mistake to think that a cover letter is useless. Actually, some recruiters don’t read cover letters, but most of them do. A well-written cover letter is an opportunity to focus attention on your career goals and explain your interest in a company. So, take your time and write a great cover letter that will make a hiring manager call you.
6. Don’t be pushy and don’t engage with recruiters in advance
Once you sent your resume – feel free to keep in touch with recruiters in order to keep track of the recruitment process. Your enthusiasm is a benefit.
7. Sending a resume is enough to get invited to the interview.
Many people choose the strategy of sending as many resumes as possible. Avoid mass mailing and concentrate on companies you really want to work in. Create an outstanding resume and, as we have already mentioned, it’s important to write a cover letter. Recruiters will call you just in case you match all the requirements.
8. No one hires during the holidays.
There is no need to suspend your job search during the holidays. Hiring process never stops. It may take more time because of vacations, but job openings need to be filled anyway.
9. Social media is just for fun.
In fact, social media has a great value. More and more recruiters turn to it and many of them post their job openings on Facebook or LinkedIn.
Check it and you will never miss an opportunity! Nowadays almost 70% of people find their job through social media. For employers, it is the way to see who the person really is by checking applicant’s SM accounts.
10. It’s been a week and no replies? It means you didn’t fit the job.
Don’t expect to get a feedback shortly after you apply. Each day companies receive a lot of resumes. Respectively, hiring managers don’t have enough time to respond to all of them. Wait one week and then you can contact the company for information.
11. If you don’t feel all the set requirements, you won’t get a job.
If you have gaps in experience or qualification, focus on your achievements and create a resume that highlights all your best traits and abilities.
12. Looking through company’s site is enough preparation for the interview.
Read all the information provided, look at company’s history, browse some reports and interviews, if possible. Discover what this firm is about and read carefully the job description. Most applicants don’t bother to do this, so it will be your advantage.
13. You need to memorize all interview questions.
Get familiar with the list of most common interview questions. It will be a great idea to practice answering them but you don’t have to memorize it all. Chances are you will sound like a robot.
14. To get a better offer overvalue your salary expectations.
Your salary demand should be based on the industry. It has to be fair and acceptable. But you don’t have to lower it either.
Check out an average compensation for a similar position. During the interview you will negotiate salary with your employer, so be ready with the answer.
15. The highest paying job is the best variant
Your remuneration is important but it’s not crucial. People spend one-third of their lives at work, so you should enjoy it. If you hesitate between few job offers, make a pros & cons list and then choose the best one.
16. Only the most qualified job-seekers get the best jobs
It is the biggest misconception. Not always the most experienced and qualified applicant gets a job. Employers will choose a candidate with the best mix of skills, career and educational background.
If you get the interview, prove you are the best fit for this position. Make a great presentation to convince your employers to give you a shot.
17. It’s too late for job change
Remember, It’s never too late to do something you have always wanted to do. The number of diverse vacancies continues to rise, and it’s natural that some people may get a desire to change a career field. If you have resolved to switch your profession it’s possible, but it won’t be easy. It takes much time and efforts because you will have to get some relevant experience, additional education or training and gain new required skills.
18. Thank you letters and follow ups don’t play a big part.
Thank you note is of paramount importance. First of all, it is a sign of respect. It will certainly create a positive impression of you. It is possible to add some important information you didn’t manage to mention during the interview. This world is full of opportunities. Seize each of them and never let these stereotypes hold you back from your professional success.