Best books for Peon Attender exam: For Kerala PSC Peon Attender in Kerala Co-operative Bank Ltd/ Apex Societies exam preparation, there are plenty of books, study materials and portals out there to prepare from. Do you know which books are good for your Peon Attender exam preparation?. So we have come up with the following list of most recommended books to help you crack the Peon Attender examination:
Before go for buy any book, please check the syllabus of Peon Attender 2019 examination.
Click and Download Kerala PSC Exam SYLLABUS 2019
[1] General Knowledge
Basic GK questions for Kerala PSC Malayalam medium exams. It has 420 pages.
[2] Renaissance in Kerala
Renaissance in Kerala by Talent Academy
[3] General Science
Objective Question Bank GENERAL SCIENCE
[4] Simple Arithmetic
Fast Track Objective Arithmetic
[5] Current Affairs
Letterszone Current Affairs
Also we highly recommend to go through previous question papers. You can find the previous question papers link below.