7 Essentials for an Out-Standing Resume

Why is there so much obsession about a resume? This is because a resume is the single document that can work for an applicant and is in under control. Therefore, as an applicant you want to do it all that will land you to a job. Creating an ideal resume is the step one towards a perfect job search that invites you to an interview. So if you are looking for a job, then your first step should be creating a resume that makes you stand out of the crowd. Here is how you should go about making an out-standing resume.

Most often, people spend time, effort and money on their resumes in order to get hired. A resume is that two page document that brings you closer towards a job. Your experiences and qualifications if presented in the right manner, can help you create the right first impression.
Every time you click the apply button, you are supposed to submit your resume. If you are an active job seeker, you must have visited your resume a number of times, but if you are new planning to change a job after years or fresh out of college, your resume needs special attention before you submit it. A resume can be designed in a number of ways, but whatever may the way to produce a resume, each resume must be:

  • Readable
  • Attractive
  • Concise
  • Readable

An average resume is scanned in less than 10 seconds. This implies that you have merely 10 seconds to create an impressive first impression on your recruiter. Here is a list of seven essentials that your resume should have.

#1 A Traditional Font

Imagine a document that you need to study has different fonts, fancy language and words that skip your mind within a glance. What would you do? Crumble the paper and throw it in a dustbin. That is exactly what happens when you use fancy fonts and language in a resume. Your resume should have the traditional font and a language that is easily understood. Be consistent and keep a check on the usage of bold, italics and underline.

#2 Stories

Objectives, summary and all those other stuff that made a resume in the past, hold no importance today. The present employers are more interested in their objectives not yours. All they want to know if you fit to fulfil the objective they have. Stories sell. Include numbers, percentages and statics and your resume will be ready to get immediate attention.

#3 Words that refer to titles

Try to describe your job with the help of titles. Include words like customer service, controller, manager, accountant etc. This helps you create a better impression.

#4 Value

Use your resume to demonstrate to the employer as to why you are the best suitable choice for the job. Be accurate as well as forceful in selling yourself through your experience, skills and drive. Make sure that you put yourself in the employers’ shoes and when you read your own resume, you meet the listed job requirements.

#5 Keywords

To convey your knowledge about the position applied, incorporate keywords about the job or the employers. Your resume will demand attention if your keywords are well placed. Use words from job description and find keywords through different networking websites and make a note of how similar work profiled describe their jobs.

#6 Sentences that Promote Your Assets

Employers are interested to see what you value and how that will be beneficial for their organization. Don’t be unclear or faint. Make sure you point out each important quality of yours with supporting facts and statistics.

#7 Expert’s Opinion

It is always good to be sure. Once you are done with writing your resume, you should take some professional help either from someone in the same field as you are applying or from someone in this field for some time now. You can also refer to resume samples present online that guide you equally well towards a perfect resume.

Some Extra Tips!

Here are some extra tips to make your resume completely ready for the submit button.

  1. Use a cover letter to introduce yourself to the employer and not as a summary to your resume.
  2. Do not use strange colours on your resume. It is always better to stick to blacks and greys.
  3. If you have been in a job for more than 10 years, use this experience to sell yourself. Your education details can be posted after this experience has done its part for you.

Think with your mind and heart when you are writing a resume. The employer should see your reflection in the paper that you are submitting to him. Avoid using zombie phrases that hold least importance now. Sell yourself through your experience and numbers.

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