5 reasons why you are looking for work and cannot find it

The job market is difficult, but after much searching has failed to place you in a job, something is wrong with the way you approach recruiters.

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Have you heard the saying ‘He went out to look for work not wanting to find’? Few people with a real need to work have this mentality; however, their actions can prove otherwise.
Here are 5 vices of job search that are causing you cannot place you in a company.

1. You apply for jobs for which they are not qualified

The first key to an effective job search is read each vacancy carefully and make sure that the requirements match your experience and training. It is possible that the vacancy information is not sufficient to know whether accounts with the skills needed for the position, however, do not invest time when the vacancy has specific requirements that do not possess. Remember, the more you cover the vacancy criteria more chance there is of getting hired. If you are applying to jobs that ‘you love to get’ but for which you are not prepared, hard will succeed.

2. You send your CV massively

Every company looks for a specific candidate, with certain qualities and profile. Therefore, before a vacancy postulate your CV stands out in the experience and skills that are relevant to the position. When you’re applying to many vacancies from different companies with the same curriculum, it is more difficult to differentiate yourself from the other candidates, so you go unnoticed. Strive to customize your CV for each vacancy and remember that less is more.

3. Do not know what you want

‘I want a job whatever’ is a common phrase in the community without jobs, no doubt reflects the person has too much need for the job, but still it should be clear what we are looking for. It is very important to set a goal, otherwise, back to point 2, firing guns into the air to no avail. Think of your qualities and what you are good, if a job can motivate you better convince the recruiter in an interview.

4. Vitaminor aspirin

According to the specialist professional advice JT O’Donnell, creator of Careerealism website, there are two kinds of candidates: vitamin and aspirin. “We constantly listen to interview people who sold saying ‘I’m efficient, teamwork, I am accessible, I do my work on time’, that is fine, but those are ‘vitamins’. It’s what you do to keep your job, companies expect you to do”. However, according to the specialist, these are not the qualities that must sell. “What you do is position yourself as ‘aspirin’, i.e. a problem solver; this is what makes you different from the competition.” O’Donnell recommends that the next time you send your resume or go to a interview, give express how to save the company money, sell more, make more efficient and productive processes, “this is what you really justify a high salary or advancement, “he says.

5. Your image network is neglected

More recruiters are using the internet to meet the candidates; especially in positions for professionals, the image in the network is becoming increasingly important. In some work areas should have a blog and even a personal page, in others; it will suffice for your social networks reflect the person behind the CV.

Bonus. Limit your search to only one tool

When you are determined to find a job you must exploit all the resources you have. It is not enough check the employment exchange your college or writing on Facebook that want work. Explode as more resources to achieve your goal, the better your chances of being hired. Upgrade your network of contacts, search your free time, register on job boards and register virtual job fairs.

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