5 new jobs that did not exist 10 years ago

Are you for choosing a career and do not convince traditional professions?

Meet 5 new professions that are fashionable and what are the skills required by companies to hire a candidate.

Our lifestyle, society, economy and language is constantly changing, so the labor market becomes more demanding, competitive and demanding time for new skills and knowledge.
These changes in our lifestyle also require new professionals that perform specific tasks that simply did not a decade ago! One of the fields with more development is communication and information technology, and although these professions still do not have a formal degree, are highly demanded by businesses.

Meet 5 new professions that are fashionable and what are the skills required by companies to hire a candidate.

1) Application Developer / Apps.

A study by Google in May in Mexico said there are more than 23 million smart phone users. 66 percent browse the Internet, 50% use apps and about 70% interact in social networks. Before this technology boom comes the need for further development of platforms for users, there enters Application Developer. Applications can be free or have a cost and include categories such as entertainment, information, finance, sports and more.

Companies seek careers as graduates of Bachelor of Engineering or Systems, Computer Science, Computer and related. Must master the most popular mobile platforms like android, iOS, BlackBerry and Windows Phone. Knowing specific programming languages like Java, XLM, Objective C, among others, salaries can range from 10,000 to 20,000 pesos a month.

2) Developer Sustainable Alternatives.

A Nielsen study, market Analysis Company, announced in late 2011 that 90% of Latin Americans consider climate change one of the major problems of today. Why more companies are interested in developing sustainable processes, renewable energy projects and resource. The careers that can venture into this area are diverse and include areas such as engineering, industrial design, chemistry and environment.

3) Blogger.

A media outlet online has taken hold in the field of information is the blog. Many companies use this space to post your industry related news and someone should write the content!. People who studied communication can be found in digital media growing niche. His work relates to the generation of content for defining identity brands, engage consumers and raise the profile of the companies.

4) Social Media Manager.

Feed Beyond social networks with relevant information for users, Social Media Manager is another figure in the online communications and activities are designed to exploit digital media for businesses. A Social Media Manager implements, coordinates and measure marketing strategies on the net. Its mission is to use online tools to increase traffic channel brand communication, aiming to boost advertising for these media companies. It is an attractive employment for graduates in Marketing, Communications and Advertising.
Meet jobs for Social Media Manager

5) Specialist in Gerontology.

According to statistics from INEGI 2050 27.7% of the population exceed 60 years. That means there will be more than 30 million seniors. Within a few decades there will be olderadults persons under 15 years, which will require more and better services for adults in full. Health careers focused on older adults and geriatrics will be most in demand are also starting to request other people related to seniors, such as escort services and care spaces and recreation services.

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